Happy Chocolate Day Wishes


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Hey, it’s chocolate Day and just the right time to tell you that I love sharing not only my chocolate but everything with you.

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Sending across a box of chocolates which are not half as sweet as you. Happy Chocolate Day!

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A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands. Happy Chocolate Day!

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Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Happy Chocolate Day!

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Keep calm and gorge on chocolates! Happy Chocolate Day!

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Anyone can catch one’s eye. But it takes a special someone to capture your heart and soul - and for me that special someone is you. Happy chocolate day!

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There’s Nothing Better Than A Good Friend, Except A Good Friend With Chocolate. Happy Chocolate Day!

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When life gives you melons, throw it back and ask for chocolates! Happy Chocolate Day!

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Money can’t buy happiness. But, it can buy a chocolate, which is pretty much the same thing. Happy Chocolate Day!

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I could give up chocolate, but I am not a quitter. And neither are you. Happy Chocolate Day!


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