Happy Kiss Day Wishes

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 Happy kiss-day! I miss your kiss every day. I love sweetheart, have a great day!

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I love you, my sweetheart. You are adorable, cute, and my life. Kissing you early morning makes my day happy and bright.

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Happy kiss day! Kissing you right on your lips is the loveliest experience of my life.

Just a kiss makes my day, a peck on the cheek every morning brightens up the day. Happy kiss day baby!

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Kiss me every day and every day I will fall for you more and more. Happy Kiss Day.

Let your lips touch mine and be grateful to almighty for giving us each other. Happy Kiss Day!

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A kiss from you gives me an abundance of happiness and joy. May we never part, sweetheart. Happy Kiss Day!

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Sending lots of kisses and love for you which will burn your calories, my love. Happy Kiss Day!

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My eyes are eager to see you, my ears are eager to hear you. And my lips are eager to kiss you a lot. I miss you, sweetheart. Happy Kiss Day!

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A day without the touch of your lips makes me really really sick. I can’t live without you. Happy Kiss Day

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The mountains are kissing the clouds, as the waves are kissing the shore. Sunlight is kissing the earth, as the moonlight is kissing the sea. Just the way you kiss you. Happy Kiss Day Love!

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The kiss on the forehead is much more affectionate than the hundred kisses on the lips. It is a pure sign of love and care. Happy Kiss Day, Love!

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I always dream of a special kiss which is a symbol of lasting love, romance, and care. I love you and happy kiss Day!

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A tender kiss on your forehead to wake you up, a gentle kiss on your cheeks to make you happy. KISSES!

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Kisses seal what two hearts feel…I always want you!!! Happy Kiss Day!

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Your kisses and hugs are like shining stars, they light up my life when there is dark. Happy Kiss Day!

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Sunshine gives warmth, Rain gives water, Air supports life, & a passionate kiss energizes the soul. Happy Kiss Day!


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