Happy Promise Day Wishes

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 It’s a promise I’ll always be there for you even if the whole world falls apart. Wishing you a very Happy promise day wishes my love.

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On this promise day, I promise that you will find me next to you, whenever you need me. Happy promise day to you, sweetheart.

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I promise to always remind you that I am with you and I will always be in love with you. Wish you Happy Promise Day my dear love.

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Happy promise day, my love. As I promised, I will never forget my promise that you will be my priority all through my life.

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I promise to stay in touch with you and check on you from time to time as I know you stay busy at work. Wishing Happy Promise Day.

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Happy promise day baby, I promise to keep all my promises, I promise to improve and make things better, I love you, my love.

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I can not promise to solve your problems, but I can promise you won’t have to face them alone. Happy Promise Day to you my Baby.

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From the bottom of my heart, I want to make a promise that I will always love you and care for you till my last breath. Happy Promise Day.

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This Promise Day I promise to protect the bonding that exists between us. Wishing you a very special Happy Promise Day my Love.

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Sweetheart, no matter how dark the night is, I promise that I will always be there by your side. Wishing Happy Promise Day to you.

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I will never let you go. Happy Promise Day!

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I promise that I never leave you, always be with you and make your life beautiful.

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I promise that you will be my only face and soul, you will be my heart without whom I could not live.

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More than moon, I want you. More than water, I want you. More than roses, I want you. And more than me I want you. Happy Promise Day.

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Meeting you was luck, becoming lovers was destiny. Loving you is faith and commitment to each other. Happy Promise Day!

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Your smile is what I want to see every day and every season. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure this smile stays on. Happy promise day.

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I promise to share household chores like cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning with you after our marriage. Happy Promise Day.

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I have a heart full of love for you, eyes full of thirst for you, and a mind full of thoughts of you. I’ll never let you go from me. Happy promise day.

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It is losers who break promises, real winners always keep their promises and become an example for all. Happy Promise Day to you.


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