Happy Rose Day Wishes

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 Rose Days will come and go, but my love and best wishes for you will be forever. Happy Rose Day!

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There are billions of people in this world, but my life feels complete with only one, you. Happy Rose Day, 

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Life is full of thorns; but with you beside me, it's just a garden of roses. Happy Rose Day!

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May the zeal, passion and the immense love for life stay with you forever. Happy Rose Day.

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With this rose, I announce that from today, my heart belongs to you. Happy Rose Day!

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With this rose, I announce that from today, my heart belongs to you. Happy Rose Day!

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This Rose Day, I wish that you have a life as beautiful as the roses.

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To my beloved, who made my life a garden of roses after coming into it. Happy Rose Day.

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With you around, my heart beats faster and my smile gets bigger. Happy Rose Day to the one who made my life so beautiful.

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You entered into my life with a fragrance of joy, You are just like a beautiful rose. Happy Rose Day!

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Sending you this beautiful bouquet of red roses to express my love to you that is deep like an ocean and vast as a sky. Happy Rose Day!

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May your life be as beautiful and fragrant as a rose. Love you for everything. Happy Rose Day,

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My life is empty without you, Just like a garden without roses. Be there always. Happy Rose Day!

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A rose is not just a flower, it is a symbol of pure love and affection. This Rose Day, may God fill your paths with vibrant roses without thorns. Happy Rose Day!

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No bird can dance like a peacock, no flower can be as beautiful as a rose, and no woman can be as pretty as my girlfriend. Happy rose day,

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My heart beats faster, my eyes stop fluttering as soon as I see you. You are a prettiest creation of God. Happy Rose Day !

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Roses are red, skies are blue, Sugar is sweet, & so is you. Happy Rose Day !

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Of all the attractive flowers on this planet, a rose is undoubtedly the most beautiful one. And, so are you, my girlfriend! Happy Rose Day!

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Love can be expressed in many ways but I choose this red rose for my better half. Happy Rose Day,

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You came into my life bringing happiness and fragrance of love. You are pretty as a rose, wife. Happy Rose Day!

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Sending this beautiful rose to a person with a beautiful heart. Thanks for making my life beautiful. Happy Rose Day,

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Having you as a friend beside me always makes me feel happy and loved. Sending you this yellow rose as a symbol of my feelings for you...Happy rose day!

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Every day, I express my gratefulness to God for blessing me with a wonderful friend like you. Thanks you buddy for coming into my life. Have a wonderful rose day!

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The biggest gift you give me is the freedom to be myself when I am with you. The comfort which your company gives me cannot be matched. Happy Rose Day!

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If you open my heart, you will see your own image. I love you & happy Rose Day!

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The most magical moments are those when you forget yourself in the joy of someone's presence. Happy Rose Day!

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A rose is a symbol of my love for you. Its petals shine in beauty, its thorn show its pain." Happy Rose Day

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Beauty and ugliness are the same aspects of a coin. You can never find beautiful roses without thrones in them. Happy Rose Day!

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Two things can't be measured in this world: My love for you and the beauty of red roses. Happy Rose Day!


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